Codequest Houston 

 Saturday, February 22, 2025.  8 am - Noon

UTHealth Houston

Register online here
or print/send paper reg form 

Codequest Provides Expert Coding Instructions for Practices of Every Size and Every Specialty

Physicians, administrators, technicians and scribes all play a crucial role in patient care and your practice's financial health. Join the most knowledgeable coding experts in ophthalmology for four hours of professional coding education essential to your success. We’ll map out the latest critical updates, review key competencies, test your knowledge through live polling and steer you towards successful solutions for appropriately maximizing reimbursements.

Developed by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Codequest is the best way to protect your practice from claim denials and audit recoupments.

Topics for Codequest

  • coming

Have a Specific Coding Conundrum?
Email questions to [email protected] before the course and get answers to your personal coding challenges. Mention "Houston course question" in the subject line.  

7 - 8 am: Registration / Breakfast 
8 -  9:30 am: Course
9:30 - 9:45 am: 15 minute break
9:45 am - Noon: Course

Contact Rachael at [email protected] or (512) 370-1504 with registration questions.  

Registration - Fundamentals (morning) Only  early bird  after Feb.17 
TOA Member and/or Staff $295  $350
Non-Member physician and/or Staff $395



Ophthalmologists - join during registration so you and/or your staff may attend at the member rate!

Meet Your Instructors

Heather H. Dunn, COA, OCS, OCSR
Heather H. Dunn is the Academy's manager of coding and reimbursement. She has extensive experience in ophthalmic practice management. She has held positions as an ophthalmic assistant, optical technician, insurance biller, and administrator. She is a contributing author of the Academy coding product line. Under direction of the AAPOS Socioeconomic Committee, she has helped initiate a practice manager program for pediatric ophthalmology. She was a member of the 2019 Ophthalmic Practice Administrators Leadership Program (OPAL). 

John Haley, MD, OCS has been in practice in Garland, Texas since 1976 and is a past president of the TOA. He is a board-certified ophthalmologist and a Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. He has been chairman of the TOA Third Party Liaison Committee for over 25 years and represents TOA on the Medicare Contractor Advisory Committee. Dr. Haley serves on the Academy CPT Committee and has been on the Academy Health Policy Committee since its inception. We are fortunate to have this physician's perspective at Codequest.

Registration Eligibility & Cancellation 
Codequest is a benefit provided to members of the Texas Ophthalmological Association and their staff. All registration will be done through the TOA. Please note: 

  • TOA members must be logged in to receive discount for self and/or staff if registering online. 
  • Non-member ophthalmologists may register themselves and/or staff at the non-member rate, or apply for membership on the same registration form to receive discounts.
  • Residents/Fellows may register only themselves, no others.
  • This course is NOT appropriate for non-Academy coding instructors or consultants, even those employed by an ophthalmologist. 
  • Optometrists employed by an ophthalmologist may attend, but no optometry-specific CEUs are offered. 

Cancellations received in writing by at least 10 business days beforehand will receive a 100% refund. No refunds will be granted sooner than 10 business days before each course. Substitutions are permitted. Contact [email protected] with registration questions.  


We do not have a room block, but there are many hotels around this medical complex. 

CME and CEU Credits Available

How Do I Claim My Credit?
After the course, go to, locate your course by city, select course link, complete the short evaluation and download your certificate. 

Image Capture
By attending and participating in events and activities held during the TOA Codequest, attendees grant TOA (and its employees and agents) permission to capture, retain, and utilize the attendees’ image, likeness, voice, and actions, whether captured live or recorded, in any format or medium. Any such images, voices or likeness captured during the event may be used for display, exhibition, publication, or reproduction in any medium or context for any purpose, including, but not limited to, commercial or promotional purposes, without further notice, authorization, or compensation.

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement
TOA supports the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you require a specific accommodation or service to facilitate your participation in a Codequest coding course, please send a message to Rachael Reed at [email protected] 

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
The American Academy of Ophthalmology specifically disclaims any and all liability for errors in, omissions from, or use of any information provided by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, its employees, agents or representatives, including but not limited to, injuries or other damages of any kind for any and all claims that may arise out of the use of any idea, technique or method demonstrated or described in any material by any presenter and/or author, whether such claims are asserted by a physician or any other person.

All information provided by the Academy, its owners, employees, agents, or representatives who participate in the Academy’s AAOE coding services is based on information deemed to be current and reliable. The Academy does not provide legal or accounting services or advice, and the Society and the course attendees should seek legal and/or accounting advice as appropriate to them, their owners, employees, agents or representatives. Coding and reimbursement is a complicated process involving continually changing rules and the application of judgment to factual situations. The Academy does not guarantee or warrant that either public or private payers will agree with its opinions. The Academy shall not be liable to the Society and course attendees to any extent whatsoever for inadvertent errors in or omissions from any such information provided by the Academy, its employees agents or representatives. The Academy’s sole liability for providing the coding information shall be limited to the amount paid to the Academy for the coding service.

Contact Rachael at [email protected] or (512) 370-1504 with questions.